Middle Township High School students are using part of their school day to read with Middle Township’s littlest learners

MTHS junior Sophia Hess reading to second graders Kingston Davido and Jaela Jones.
Cape May Court House, NJ – The new year kicked off Middle Township Elementary #1’s (MTE#1) latest initiative, Reading Buddies, a mentorship program where members of the Middle Township High School (MTHS) Future Educators of America Club read to select students at MTE#1.
Kindergarten through 2nd grade teachers choose students to participate in the program who may need additional assistance in reading or could benefit from a positive relationship with an older student. For 30 minutes each week, students read books chosen out of their “book bins,” which are books picked for a student’s specific reading level.
While it is new, Reading Buddies has already allowed Future Educators of America members who are pursuing futures in education to gain experience working directly with students. The high school students meet their “buddies” in the elementary school’s cafeteria each week.
“This program offers one more layer of both academic and social/emotional support to our Kindergarten through 2nd grade students,” said MTE#1 Guidance Counselor Kelly Cox. “It is our hope that by our students developing positive relationships with role models or a ‘Reading Buddy,’ it will have a direct and lasting impact on their academics and mental well-being.”
Cox spearheaded the program with support from MTPS Director of Guidance Joelle Tenaglia and Supervisor of the MTHS Future Educators of America Club Kaylee Beck, drawing inspiration from the Big Brothers, Big Sisters of America. Operating since 1904, adult volunteers or “Bigs” partner with youth or “Littles” to create a one-to-one mentoring relationship. While this program is different from Reading Buddies, the ideals and philosophy are similar.
“We can see how these interactions promote essential skills and create positive learning experiences for both the older students and the younger students,” said MTPS Superintendent Dr. David Salvo. “Our goal is to help build a strong foundation and love for learning and teaching with benefits for all involved.”
In the future, Cox says the district plans to incorporate games and long-term projects into the program – ideally, a creative project that can last over several weeks. This would give the elementary students a tangible item that they can remember their Reading Buddy by.